"Treat health like safety and breathe freely"

AES are supporting the BOHS Breathe Freely campaign which is in full effect across the UK to help businesses and employees evaluate, identify and reduce the risks caused by processes within construction and manufacturing that are harmful to health.

The main focus for the Breathe Freely campaign is to bring awareness to the industry about the potential dangers and inform us of the effects of work related illness and death caused by lung disease and associated ailments.

Breathe Freely is...

A BOHS initiative, aimed at reducing occupational lung disease in the UK, which causes significant debilitating ill-health and an estimated 13,000 deaths per year.

Breathe Freely is about raising awareness both of the problem and how to do something about it: we can protect workers’ health and prevent most of these diseases and deaths. It is not just “the right thing to do”, it is good for business as well. And broad acceptance of this is part of the solution.

What you need to remember...

In short, good occupational hygiene intervention is good for your business, whether it be from a financial benefit, protecting the health of your staff in the longer term, or ensuring you have a strong commitment in terms of legal and social responsibility, all resulting in the protection and enhancement of your reputation.

Below is a link to the BOHS dedicated Breathe Freely website which includes many helpful resources and examples.

Breathe Freely Helpful Resources

Below are some helpful infographics and resources from the Breathe Freely Campaign.

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