Helping you find the best solution for controlling wood dust with extraction.

Repeated exposure to wood dust can cause athsma and rare types of nasal cancer. As an athsmagen and carcinogen wood dust is given a special designation under the COSHH regulations and employers have a legal duty to reduce exposure to as low a level as is reasonable practicable.

Our extensive product range includes equipment from leading manufacturers, and bespoke systems designed by AES with our manufacturing partners. We also provide industry standard ATEX systems and products, assuring that all dust control plant supplied, fully complies with the ATEX European Directive for explosive dust.

Fixed Ducted Systems

Centralised systems for medium to large wood workshops.

Downdraft Sanding Benches

Ideal for small to medium sized wood finishing processes with hand-held tools.

Centralised Clean-Up & On-Tool Extraction

The most effective way to capture wood dust from power tools is with an extraction attachment connected to the tool itself.

This can be achieved for both central systems and also for stand alone extractors, find out more to see how AES can help you optimise your extraction with this method.

Portable Extractors

An ideal solution for small workshops and single machines.

Get in touch with us

Contact us using the links below to speak to one of our consultants. You can ask us a question, look up useful resources or call us on 0800 032 0895 for an instant response.